The institution of the family (the strength of America), which traditionally was Christian, our Constitution mandated government to defend. Americans become "One in strength" as each American citizen respect one another as members of one family (America) and regard all other American citizens as family (One for all and all for one). In considering "The Freedom of Worship," the phrase, "Separation of Church and State" meant to our founding fathers that government is mandated to allow (protect and defend) freedom of conscience (religious freedom) but not to eliminate God and Christ from the public square, nor ignore the fact that American democracy was founded on Christianity. As a matter of record, a person running for public office back then was expected or, at the very least, assumed to have embraced a faith in the "Creator God and Jesus Christ, Savior of the World." Privileged Americans of voting age have a duty to vote. The phrase "trust but verify" should be our motto concerning the claims of politicians. The verification of what they're about should take place long before entering the polling booth, for the sake of our country, our families, and the future of our children.